The Methodist Church The Square

  • The Methodist Church
  • The Square
  • Dunstable
  • Beds
  • LU6 3SN

Email Us


The Square is a place of worship and prayer where a warm welcome awaits you, whoever you are.🌈

For details of our Sunday services and other aspects of the church's life click on the tabs above.

We also have five rooms that are used by a variety of community groups during the week, and are are available for your event too. To enquire about hiring for weddings, funerals, meetings, parties or other events, please click Your Event in the menu above.

Outside front summer

Café Worship

Cafe Worship r

Meet other people, have a coffee and a cake. Read the Sunday papers. If you have not been to The Square before this is a gentle way to try us out. See the Worship page.

Youth Groups


Activities for younger people at The Square.
Read about Sunday Club, Inters Youth Club, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts here.

The Square LogoSimple LGBT flag


 Mission Statement

 We are a town centre church aiming to radiate God’s love,
as revealed in
Jesus Christ,
for the local community and the wider world.

We seek to help people in their search for God
through our worship, prayer and action.


House Groups


A number of house groups meet regularly in  an informal setting to explore what it means to be a Christian

Drama Circle
Next Production

Drama Circle logo

Our next production will not be our pantomime in March 2024, as we have had to cancel this due to unforeseen circumstances. Look out for our next production in the Autumn.

See our page.

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Sunday Services

The most recent Sunday service, on 21st July, was a Songs of Praise service, led by Jenny Smith. This service was live streamed, and remains available here on YouTube.

Next Sunday, 28th July, will be a traditional service in the Church, led by Catherine Roots. This will be live streamed, and available live or later here on YouTube.


Please click here to submit your own news item

Craft a Poppy for the Square

Received 13 July

PoppyFor Remembrance Sunday (10th November) this year, we would like to decorate the railings leading up to the front doors of the church with hand-made poppies.

These can be made with whatever you wish as anything not weatherproof will be used inside the church. If you can knit or crochet, these will be suitable for outside as they can withstand getting wet.

There are many free poppy patterns available online; it would be lovely to have a variety of sizes and designs - we will need lots!

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Foster: 01582 757983 or

Autumn International Service

Received 28 June

We will have an international service in Autumn, where everybody will be invited to prepare a special dish from his/her country!

This is not all: we would like people to present/perform a poem, a song, a music that tells about your country of origin.

We will come back to you to let you know what we need to organise the logistics.

Be ready to take are all invited!!!

Bring a friend if you can!

Square Prayer

Received 14 June

Square Prayer is a WhatsApp group (formally known as the Square Prayer Chain) that promises to pray for any prayer requests received. If you have a prayer request, the members in the group are happy to pray for you and/or your request. Prayers are prayed for as received, not embellished, not judged, not discussed. All requests are treated confidentially. Please, if you would like to add anything to the prayer list, contact me and I will ensure it gets added. Equally, if you would to join the Square Prayer WhatsApp Group and pray for, and on behalf of others, contact me.

Linda Berry

Help Needed

Received 6 June

Sunday 21st July is a Local Arrangement. The stewards are suggesting a Songs of Praise which would involve hymn/song choices to be coordinated with a reading or reason for the choice.

We are looking for a volunteer(s) to lead this service. If you feel you would be interested please contact the stewards.

Privacy Policy

By viewing our website your IP address, browser details, times of visits, etc. may be logged and used for statistical purposes, network security and fraud prevention. This helps us to monitor how effectively the site is working. Be assured that we never profile normal visitors to the site or invasively monitor them. The statistical data will be used by ourselves and may also be used by our website provider to help provide the service. The legal basis for processing this information is Legitimate Interest.

The Square Methodist Church, Dunstable cares about your privacy and your trust is important to us. Our Privacy Notice explains how Local Churches, Circuits and Districts within the Methodist Church in Great Britain collect, use and protect your personal information. It also provides information about your rights and who to contact if you have any questions about how we use your information. You may read our Privacy Notice online or download a PDF version. A copy is also displayed on the noticeboard in the room known as the “Parlour”. Rev. Claudia Lupi will try to deal with any questions as a local point of contact.

You can also see our Safeguarding Policy. 

The Methodist Church The Square is part of The Methodist Church in Britain