- The Methodist Church
- The Square
- Dunstable
- Beds
- LU6 3SN
The Methodist
Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and
ministry. Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a
safer culture. This means we will:
- promote the welfare of children, young people and adults
- work to prevent abuse from occurring
- seek to protect and respond well to those that have been abused
Key documents:
· Square Safeguarding Policy 2023
· Circuit Safeguarding Policy 2023
· The Square Safeguarding reporting form
Safeguarding Concerns
Key Contacts:
- The Square: Rev. Claudia Lupi; reverendlupi@yahoo.com
- Church Safeguarding Officer: Deborah Mitchelmore 07845 259896; safeguarding@squaremethodist.org
- Circuit Safeguarding Officer: Deborah Mitchelmore 07845 259896; safeguarding@squaremethodist.org
If you have a concern about possible abuse (including allegations):
- In an emergency, respond immediately.
- Consult the person to whom you are responsible.
- Decide together whether to seek advice or to make an immediate referral.
- Keep a record of what happened, your concerns and your actions.
- Tell your minister and/or safeguarding representative:
- Only tell others who need to know.
If a child, young person or adult wishes to disclose they have been abused:
- Listen. Keep listening. Do not question or investigate.
- Do not promise confidentiality; tell them we need to share this.
- Assure them they are not to blame.
- Tell them what you are going to do and that they will be told what happens.
- Make careful notes of what is said, record dates, times, events and when you are told.
- Report it to the person to whom you are responsible and your minister or safeguarding representative.
- Only tell those who need to know.
Things to remember
- Treat everyone with respect, setting a positive example for others.
- Respect personal space and privacy.
- Ensure another adult is present or within sight or hearing of any activity.
- Ensure any actions cannot be misinterpreted by someone else.
- Challenge unacceptable behaviour.
- Do not put anyone, including yourself, in a vulnerable or compromising situation.
- Do not have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with others.
- You must not keep allegations or suspected abuse secret.
For further information about other aspects of Safeguarding, please follow the link to the Circuit Safeguarding webpages: https://www.southbedsmethodist.org.uk/safeguarding.htm