The Methodist Church The Square

  • The Methodist Church
  • The Square
  • Dunstable
  • Beds
  • LU6 3SN

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Groups and Organisations

The Church Family

It is the vision at The Square that everyone is actively involved with the life of the Church both in worship and meeting together outside of worship.

The following section lists the activities which take place on a regular basis within the life of our church both for adults and young people.  Should you wish to find out more about any of the groups or organisations you can contact our minister using the Contacts page or follow the links below.




Meeting Point LogoMeeting Point Fellowship Group
Bible Study and Fellowship
Alternate Tuesdays, 10:30am

Priory Housegroup logo

Priory Housegroup
every Tuesday (term time), 7:30-9:00pm

Readers Close Housegroup logoCanesworde Road / Readers Close Housegroup
meets Wednesday evenings, monthly

Butterc up Housegroup logoButtercup Close Housegroup
Third Wednesday each month, 7:30pm

Village HousegroupVillage Housegroup
Monthly, Fridays, 2:00pm


S Club
Sunday, 10:30am

prayer candlesPrayer at the Square
A prayer meeting in the church foyer on the first Monday of every month at 7.00pm.

MGG logoMixed Generation Group (MGGs)
This group has merged with Gather Round (below)

Music logoMethodist Youth Fellowship Music Group (MYFS)
I'm sorry to say this group has disbanded.

Drama Circle logoDrama Circle
Monday and Thursday, 8:00-10:30pm

Gather Round logoGather Round
Monthly, Tuesdays, 2pm

Ladies Thursday Club logo

Ladies' Thursday Club
fellowship, learning, fun and friendship
spacerFirst and Third Thursdays, 2pm

Armchair Exercise LogoArmchair Exercise Group
Tuesdays, 2pm

spacerS Club
Sunday, 10:30am

Youth logo

Youth Club
Last Friday of the month

Rainbows logoRainbows (6-7 years)
Tuesday, 5:30pm
spacer2nd Saturday, 9:30am

Brownies logo

Brownies (7-10 years)
Tuesday, 6:00pm

Guides logoGuides (10-14 years)
Tuesday, 7:00pm

Squirrels logoSquirrels (4-6 years)
Thursday, 5:30-6:15

Beaver logo

Beavers (6-8 years)
spacerThursday, 6:15pm

Cubs logoCubs (8-10½ years)
Wednesday, 6:00pm

Scouts logoScouts (10½-14 years)
spacerWednesday, 7:45pm

     Downs Kites