The Methodist Church The Square

  • The Methodist Church
  • The Square
  • Dunstable
  • Beds
  • LU6 3SN

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Recent News

This page contains news of recent events and occurrences associated with the Square Methodist Church. If you have any items to contribute, please send them to the Webmaster, by email through our Contact page, or by completing this form.

News from the Square


News from Beyond

Below, you will find news items concerning the Square Methodist Church, and the groups that are associated with it.

Items are arranged in date-received order, newest first, so once you reach something you have already seen, you can stop reading! 


Below, you will find news items received from external organisations, that may be of interest.

Items are arranged in date-received order, newest first, so once you reach something you have already seen, you can stop reading!

Bike and Hike

Received 7 September

Marie and Christina will be hiking around Dunstable and St Albans to raise money for the Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust, as well as The Square. Please click to see full details and how to sponsor them.

Superintendent Minister's Message

Received 3 September

The Rev Patrick Kandeh, Superintendent Minister for South Bedfordshire Circuit, has sent this message for the new Connexional year.

Craft a Poppy for the Square

Received 13 July

For Remembrance Sunday (10th November) this year, we would like to decorate the railings leading up to the front doors of the church with hand-made poppies.

These can be made with whatever you wish as anything not weatherproof will be used inside the church. If you can knit or crochet, these will be suitable for outside as they can withstand getting wet.

There are many free poppy patterns available online; it would be lovely to have a variety of sizes and designs - we will need lots!

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Foster: 01582 757983 or

Autumn International Service

Received 28 June

We will have an international service in Autumn, where everybody will be invited to prepare a special dish from his/her country!

This is not all: we would like people to present/perform a poem, a song, a music that tells about your country of origin.

We will come back to you to let you know what we need to organise the logistics.

Be ready to take are all invited!!!

Bring a friend if you can!

Square Prayer

Received 14 June

Square Prayer is a WhatsApp group (formally known as the Square Prayer Chain) that promises to pray for any prayer requests received. If you have a prayer request, the members in the group are happy to pray for you and/or your request. Prayers are prayed for as received, not embellished, not judged, not discussed. All requests are treated confidentially. Please, if you would like to add anything to the prayer list, contact me and I will ensure it gets added. Equally, if you would to join the Square Prayer WhatsApp Group and pray for, and on behalf of others, contact me.

Linda Berry

Church Clean

Received 14 June

We are holding another Big Church Clean on Saturday 29th June from 9am until noon. Please come along even if you can't stay for long. Any help is always gratefully received. It's a chance to clean the areas of the church that don't receive attention too frequently and it helps to keep our building looking cared for!

Entry can be gained by ringing the doorbell on the bench side (south side) door.

Help Needed

Received 6 June

Sunday 21st July is a Local Arrangement. The stewards are suggesting a Songs of Praise which would involve hymn/song choices to be coordinated with a reading or reason for the choice.

We are looking for a volunteer(s) to lead this service. If you feel you would be interested please contact the stewards.

Square Singing Group

Received 6 June

We are looking into setting up a Square Singing Group. This would be a group that would help lead the singing in services occasionally, as well as get involved in events.

We have been asked if we'd like a slot on the stage at the Ashton Square Day on 17th August, which would be a great community out-reach opportunity, and we would also be looking at taking part in the Festival of Carols in December in the church.

You don't need to be able to read music, just be a keen singer. If you are interested please could you let Steve Rogers know as soon as possible on or 07748 526594. He is looking to have a session together either later this month or in early July.

We don’t intend this to be a huge commitment – and we would start by singing things we are all familiar with.

Please see our News page for fuller details.Obituary: Mrs Stella Kandeh

Received 30 May

It is with deep sorrow that I inform you about the passing of Mrs. Stella Kandeh, beloved mother of Reverend Patrick Kandeh. Mrs. Kandeh passed away on May 27, 2024, in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

She will always be remembered for her remarkable kindness, unwavering strength, and her deep love for God, family, and community. Her legacy of compassion and devotion will continue to inspire us all. 

Let us pray for Reverend Patrick Kandeh and the rest of the family for strength and comfort during this pain and sorrow.

The details of the funeral arrangements will be communicated to you all in due course, allowing everyone to pay their respects to Mrs Kandeh.

May her soul rest in perfect peace, and may her memory continue to inspire us all.

Shambles/Beati Concert

Received 30 May

The total raised at the recent Shambles and Beati concert is £1070. This money is going towards the Kitchen Project.

One Person One Task

Received 17 May

We would like to spread the load of the work required to keep our church functioning smoothly. To this end, we would like everybody to consider whether there is some small task that they could undertake, once, occasionally, or regularly. We have a list of such activities, where you can tick a box or two to pick task(s) that you would be prepared to consider. The list is here in Word format (so you can fill it in on the computer) or here in PDF, if you can't handle Word.

Church Garden

Received 28 March

With it now being spring we are starting to plan the floral displays in the church garden for the rest of the year. If anyone grows their own plants, we would be very grateful if you have any spare you could donate some to the church garden. Especially for the woodland side opposite the bench and the two troughs.

Please speak to Christina, Marie or Ivor.

Square AGM

Received 24 February

Following the 10.30 am morning service on 24th March

Come along to find out about and celebrate the life of our church. Tea  & coffee will be served followed by a ‘bring and share’ lunch

ALL are welcome to share in this important meeting of our church family

For further information, please chat to your Stewards, or email:

Drama Circle Pantomime

Received 23 February

Sadly, due to circumstances beyond their control, the Square Drama Circle have had to cancel their pantomime.

Worship Consultation

Received 17 February

Consultation +We are starting a consultation process, to find out what you, our congregation, would like to see in our future worship provision. What would you like to see more of? What do you think is not working? Come to this meeting to give your views and hear others.

For further information, please chat to your Stewards, or email:

Report from KSN

Received 7 February

Ivor is currently visiting KSN, and as well as his blog, he has written this brief report about progress at the hospital.

Ivor's India Blog

Received 21 January

While our friend Ivor is visiting KSN, Sarenga, India, he is writing a blog, which you might find interesting. You can find his blog here.

Patrick Kandeh's Christmas Message

Received 18 December

Patrick Kandeh has sent us this message for the Christmas season.

The Living Room

Received 9 November

The Living Room team are looking for new members! 

The Living Room is a welcoming place where anyone can come for a chat, a snack, read, make crafts, play games, help build a jigsaw or simply enjoy a cup of coffee, all FREE! 

We meet on Fridays from 10.30 to 1.30, but if you can help occasionally for a couple of hours to make drinks or chat with guests your support would be very much appreciated, both by our other helpers and by our visitors to the sessions. 

This is a valuable outreach event, and if you would like to find out more speak to one of the team or email

Church Cleaning

Received 27 October

We would like to organise a working party for a clean of the Church on Saturday 2nd December.

All other rooms will be occupied by the Drama Circle Christmas Fair and we thought it would be an ideal time for people to come along  look round the fair and make Christmas purchases, and then pop into church to do a bit of cleaning!!! Or, the other way round, clean, and then go to the fair for purchases, beverages and cake!! 

Either way, we will have the church open from 9am on 2nd Dec to give it a good clean and polish before our Festival of Carols on 8th December. Please come down and lend a hand to get our church gleaming for the Christmas season!!!

Many thanks,

Photos from 3Generate

Received 9 October

Some photos from last weekend's 3Generate event, from Ivor Mitchelmore.

Memories from KSN

Received 8 October

Linda and Chris Berry have written this report of their recent trip to KSN. Read all about it!

14 September: New Methodist Year message

Please see this message from Patrick Kandeh on the start of the new Methodist Connexional Year.


Dunstable Downs Open-Air service, 7th July

Received 23 May

See our What's On page for details of this event.
We need volunteers to share the following tasks. Unless otherwise indicated please contact Nigel Bibbings (01525) 872026 if you are able to help with these. Volunteer help on the day will also be welcome!

Arranging Chairs
Erecting and taking down the gazebo
Stewarding and Welcoming
Car Parking: Please contact Peter Deffee on (01582) 872857

Also see this document

Action Fraud: WhatsApp Groups

Received 10 May

WhatsApp group chat members are being warned they could be targeted by criminals, as Action Fraud reveals it has received 636 reports from victims of the messaging app this year. Please see this document for full details.

Dunstable Downs Open-Air service, 7th July

Received 3 May

We are looking forward to worshipping, once again, in the open-air on the Dunstable Downs on Sunday 7th July. For this to happen it is necessary for teams to be built to accomplish various tasks. Please see this document to find opportunities where you can help.

District Testimony Services

Received 26 April

In May and June 2024 we will be holding the testimony services for the four probationers in our district who are currently preparing for ordination. These are district services, where probationers will have the opportunity to share the story of God at work in their lives in their present calling. Please do support these important times of sharing in worship and witness together. Full details in this document.

3Generate Volunteering

Received 5 April

Volunteering for 3Generate is open! This year we need to grow the team by 25% and want to encourage everyone in churches to consider getting involved. Please see this document for full details.

Superintendent's Easter Message

Received 26 March

Our Superintendent Minister, Patrick Kandeh, has sent this Easter Message.

What is Mine to do?

received 23 February

AllWeCan logo

For All We Can, regular donations are much more valuable than the same amount given as a lump sum. Read here to understand why, and to decide if this is for you. 

What is Mine to do?

received 16 February

AllWeCan logoFor All We Can, prayer is what sustains our movement. We know that the work we do is not achieved in our own strength, but that we are joining in with where the Holy Spirit is at work in our partners and the communities they work with.
Find out more by reading this document.

Eaton Bray Methodist Church +Eaton Bray Methodist Church

As we at Eaton Bray Methodist Church, in the South Bedfordshire Circuit, consider our mission in this place and the future of our building we are seeking new opportunities. One suggestion is that the building becomes a circuit or district resource for a potentially radical new mission. 

Built in 1795 the Methodist Church has been a presence and a place of sanctuary in the village of Eaton Bray for 228 years. Sunday school and youth groups have been offered to village youngsters in addition to Sunday worship for all throughout those years, as well as countless flower festivals, harvest festivals, carol services, weddings, baptisms, funerals and concerts. 

We recognise that our schoolroom is also a great space; warm and welcoming, carpeted - more intimate than a church hall, for groups of up to 30 and could be more widely used. We want to engage with people, offer the building more widely and provide a creative, reflective space as we work out our ongoing mission in the context of our villages and our district and amidst the concerns of 21st century living.

So we want to test this out by advertising our facilities – please see attached leaflet

We have had conversations with a number of people involved in other chapels that have become places offering retreat spaces and these have shown us a variety of offerings and models. We will seek to explore whether any of these are a possibility as we journey into the future.

If you are interested in engaging with new uses for our building please get in touch with Rev Jenny Spouge at

Volunteer with Youthscape

Received 19 December

Youthscape volunteering advert +Emily Croucher, current local volunteers’ manager at Youthscape, is sending this invitation for anyone who would like to join as a volunteer. They are really keen to expand their team of volunteers and have lots of different ways for people to get involved.
More information
Got questions or doubts? You can contact Emily by email

Seasonal Home Security

Received 8 December

Bedfordshire Police have issued this sheet of advice on keeping your home and Christmas presents safe during this festive season. 

Shoppers Beware!

Received 9 November

Black Friday and Christmas are great opportunities for scammers, and consequently risks for shoppers. Please see this warning from Which? and keep yourself safe.

5 August: WhatsApp Scam

Action Fraud are warning of scammers worming their way into the trust of church and community WhatsApp groups. They cannot force their way in - they need someone trusting to effectively invite them, so please be on your guard. See full details on the Action Fraud website.

13 July: "A Year with Michael Green" by Stephen Poxon

This new book is now available to pre-order, which secures an 18% discount and free delivery in the UK. Full details here.




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